Mistress Ava Black is the kind of person who enjoys to turn on guys just to check on their dicks. She likes guys with small dicks because they are low hanging fruits. She can use the fact that they have small cocks to humiliate them for her fun, to blackmail them or even she can make them do her favors. Today she wanted the guy to entertain her using his small dick so she made him do things to himself while following her instructions.
Mistress Marley likes to flaunt and show off her big tits. That is what she did today as she messed with this guy. She wanted to see whether he had a big dick or not. She loves to know so that she can know which way it is going to be. If it is a small dick, she will know that she will get money from him and if it is a big one, she knows she will get fun out of it.
Lady Stefanie knows there are many guys with small dicks out there and she has made it her mission to dominate them and to make money out of them. She, first of all, makes money from them by blackmailing them so that she can keep their secrets. And then she makes money from them by telling them she will teach them how to pleasure a woman using their small penises.
Mistress Cat does not like to have her time wasted. She felt like she had wasted a lot of her time by teasing and flirting with this guy as he ended up having a small dick. She would never fuck a small dick as she knew it would not satisfy her. So she teased the guy not to have fun with him but to humiliate him. She made fun of his tiny dick and she made him do things to humiliate himself.
Lady Stefanie loves to blackmail guys with small dicks. She knows how to spot a man with a small penis and she has a lot of fun humiliating them. She knows none of them wants to be known as having a tiny dick and that is where she gets them. She blackmailed this guy and she got him to pay her to keep quiet. She literally laughed her way to the bank.
Mistress Loana was horny and she wanted to get laid. But the guy she nearly got laid by was not well endowed. He had a small dick and she could not bring herself to fuck him under whatever circumstances. She chose to let him go. But because she had spent her time and it was now wasted, she humiliated him using small penis humiliation fetish before she let him leave.
Mistress Harley has big tits and an equally big ass. She wanted this guy to fuck her tits as well as run his dick on her butt crack. She teased him and she got him horny. She was horny herself as he had turned her on with how he looked, how he smelled, the words he said and how he kissed and caressed her. But when he removed his pants, he had a small dick and her pussy dried up.
This mistress made fun of this loser for having a small dick. She could not believe that he wanted to stick such a small dick in her pussy. She even measured it and it was the smallest she had seen. He had everything going for him except the fact that she could not stand the small dick. She made fun of him and then let him go as it could not satisfy her.
Princess Serena loves small dicks. While other mistresses hate them and have no time for guys with small penises, she runs to them. She loves to tease them and then financially dominate them because she knows they do not have access to a large pool of readily available hot women. She makes herself available to mess around with them but not to really fuck them as they would hope but she gets to dominate them financially.
Princess Serena was horny and she lowered her standards in order to fuck this guy who worked in the same building as her. When they got to the hotel room, she realized the guy had a small dick and she was not happy about it. She even forgot she was horny and she humiliated him for his small dick. She could not mess with someone who had such a small dick.