Lady Stefanie had a slave who had a small penis. That is why she wondered why he had a big ego and why he tried to do all the crazy stuff he did. That is why she had to dominate and to torture him in a way that he had never experienced before. She had to cut down his ego and teach him to act like his small dick. He did.
Mistress Kim only likes to mess with guys who have big dicks. She feels that small dick guys should only be made fun of and that is what she did today. She had a great time doing it to this guy as her friends watched. It was fun for them but it was not for the guy as he felt humiliated, belittled and made fun of. But he could not do anything about it.
When mistress Jane and her friend Queen Hanna realized that this guy was full of himself, they knew that he had something to prove and they could tell what it was. He was full of pride and arrogance and they tricked him and stroked his ego and got him to their house. As they got him naked, they realized he had a small dick as they had suspected and they had fun making fun of him and his small dick.
Princess Cindy wanted to make fun of this guy and she felt that the best way to do it was to use his small cock to make fun of him. She had fun measuring it and then belittling him. He was shocked at the direction he took and he cried but that did nothing to slow her down. In fact, it encouraged her as she felt that what she was doing was working.
Madame Carla needed money and she needed it urgently. As she pondered over what to do, this guy approached her and wanted to fuck her. He was proud and boastful but she did not mind. She wanted to take her mind off her stressors and he was willing to get a few orgasms. But she realized his dick was small and in that instance, she realized she had struck gold as she blackmailed him to get the money she wanted.
Lady Cary felt that the best way to deal with this guy was to humiliate him in a way that he had never felt before. That is why the mistress chose to humiliate as well as dominate the guy by making fun of his small dick. He was shocked at what happened to him and he cried and wished he had never done what he did as she crushed his self esteem.
When it comes to dominating and degrading guys, this mistress is one of the best in the business. She knows how to reduce them to their level and she especially likes those guys with self inflated egos. She found one with a small dick today and she went to town on him and his small dick. When she was done with him, he did not look at himself the same way.
Mistress Keysha did not like this guy's small dick. She loves to mess with big ones. To add salt to injury, the guy had a bad attitude and he did not know how to augment his sex life. So she had to put him in his place. She did this with her sph mistress fetish whereby she made fun of his small dick and had fun watching him feel small and cry.
Mistress Valentina knew that this guy had a small dick and as such, he did not bring much to the table penis wise. So his satisfaction of a woman had to come from somewhere else. That is why the mistress ensured that the guy learned other skills to compensate for what he lacked. That is why she made him learn how to lick and eat both pussy and ass to make a woman have a great orgasm.
This guy was super proud to the extent that it was annoying. But he did not know that he had a major handicap. This mistress had asked him to stop doing that kind of nonsense but he did not stop. He started bragging how he was the best thing to ever happen to her and how he could fuck her and ruin her for other men. She laughed at him and she made fun of his small dick.