
Mistresses humiliating tiny dick slaves

All articles tagged with "Boss Girls Productions"

When mistress Jane and her friend Queen Hanna realized that this guy was full of himself, they knew that he had something to prove and they could tell what it was. He was full of pride and arrogance and they tricked him and stroked his ego and got him to their house. As they got him naked, they realized he had a small dick as they had suspected and they had fun making fun of him and his small dick.

Princess Cindy wanted to make fun of this guy and she felt that the best way to do it was to use his small cock to make fun of him. She had fun measuring it and then belittling him. He was shocked at the direction he took and he cried but that did nothing to slow her down. In fact, it encouraged her as she felt that what she was doing was working.

This guy had a small dick and he needed to be humiliated. The mistresses had nothing to do with him and with anything until they were paid to torture and humiliate him. They agreed as they rarely say no to money. They had fun making fun of his small dick and he nearly cried as they made fun of him and his small cock. He cried like he had never cried before.

This guy wanted to screw this mistress and he told her everything she wanted to hear. He told her how he would eat her pussy, how he would fuck her until she begged her to stop and how she would have multiple orgasms. She liked what she heard but then something told her to tease him and find out just how naughty and kinky he was and that was when she got him to undress and she saw the smallest cock she had ever seen and she knew he would never satisfy her in a million years.

Mistress Anfisa likes to do crazy things all the time and today she wanted to make fun of this guy because she noticed he had a small dick. She could tell because she had experience with such people and she could tell with surgical precision. So she enticed him to go to her house and she lied to him that she wanted him to nail her. And when she got to see his dick, she laughed and she made fun of him before chasing him from her house.

This mistress was excited about getting to know this guy but when she realized he had a small dick, she had to make fun of him and to humiliate him. She had a great time doing it and she forgot that she was even interested in him in the first place. She had a great time with sph fetish and she made the guy cry as she dominated him and made fun of him.

This mistress made fun of this loser for having a small dick. She could not believe that he wanted to stick such a small dick in her pussy. She even measured it and it was the smallest she had seen. He had everything going for him except the fact that she could not stand the small dick. She made fun of him and then let him go as it could not satisfy her.

This mistress knew this guy was a loser and that he had a small dick. She had heard girls talking about it so she knew it was true. When he tried to chat her up, she agreed but all she wanted to do was to make sure that he had such a tiny penis as guys said. He had a huge ego and that is why he was never bothered by small penis humiliation. She took out a measuring tape and she used it to measure his dick and he was surprised and humiliated for the first time.

This mistress does not mess with small dicks. They are not worth her time and they do not satisfy her. Whenever she wants to fuck someone, she first of all reaches for their dick and if it is the right size, she can continue. But if it is not, she likes to make fun of their small penises. She is never afraid of small penis humiliation. She does it anytime anywhere.

This mistress loves to humiliate guys with small penises. She loves to blackmail them and for some, she loves to crush their fragile egos. She loves how confident they are before she tells them that they have tiny cocks. She loves to tease them and show off her sexy body to make them comfortable to show off their dicks. And when they do, she takes advantage to have fun at their expense.

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